Payroll processing and HR outsourcing Solutions

Payroll is an important and integral department of any organization. For any business, managing payroll could be a cumbersome task given the number of man hours devoted to it. Also, as rules and regulations keep changing, payroll software needs to be updated and employees are also required to abreast themselves with new tools. Therefore, it is a judicious practice for businesses to outsource their payroll and HR operations as it ensures:

1) Increase in bandwidth to focus on core business

2) Save in-house HR related costs

3) Save costs via an integrated payroll and HR services platform

4) Payroll compliance with any new tax regulations

5) Security and confidentiality

MJG is highly-professional and technology-driven company that achieves safe, error-free, and simplified Payroll processing for its clients. Our best-in-class payroll software and highly-trained team of professionals ensure personalized round-the-clock support to our clients. Additionally, MJG provides end-to end payroll processing that connects payroll and HR data in one platform avoiding the use of various platforms/systems for employee performance, benefits administration, and recruitment. This not only proves to be cost-effective but streamlines the information thereby achieving higher process efficiency.


Payroll services

HR outsourcing services

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